List contains data for clans in out database and users with battles count higher then 2000
доступ к API разрешен/API с разрешенным доступом
Our platforms (, present data from Wargaming's products.This data is accessed via publicly available API as part of the WG DPP, present data from Wargaming's products.This data is accessed via publicly available API as part of the WG DPP program." data-id="658">
In order to be able to use all the functionalities of our platforms, you must agree to access the API.
Remember that our platforms only access publicly available information (e.g. number of battles, statistics). We do not collect private data (e.g. email address, number of credits).
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выгрузка данных с API от Вашего имени,
processing and storing of fetched data,
display of fetched data in the website (tables, rankings, charts, comparisons etc),
sharing fetched data to all other users of our platforms, data will be public,
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This language version is in beta version. It means that some elements are not yet translated and displayed in english!
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Эта функция требует авторизации с вашим аккаунтом. Мы получаем только доступ к вашему псевдониму и идентификатору учетной записи.