Top transfers

List contains transfers from last 14 days

プレイヤー クラン WN8 Win Rate 戦闘数
yDevix [WOTAF] World Of Tanks And Friends 5 054 53.61% 2 466
Ognista_Dziewica [PJOOR] PJOOR 3 852 61.96% 18 168
Crazy_boy__2020 [D_DOS] DDoS Attack 3 681 62.88% 19 203
KappaTV [UA_T] Українське Військо ! 3 465 64.31% 7 503
BiaLy____ [PJOOR] PJOOR 3 409 57.67% 3 118
Jarczan_ [PJOOR] PJOOR 3 355 57% 3 137
Immensive [OM] Odem Mortis 3 354 59.73% 62 550
NoPen_NoLife [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 3 221 59.1% 21 330
GANACCI [7O3] Double or nothing! 3 114 60.31% 3 467
HicFiniturDeus [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 3 051 59.16% 6 288
GolaSraka [D_DOS] DDoS Attack 3 035 59.36% 25 381
Schleffski [OM] Odem Mortis 3 033 59.26% 15 807
ARES_buh_valky [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 3 024 59.13% 7 573
__OpanczerzonyBot__ [PJOOR] PJOOR 3 012 57.1% 4 525
SYNEK_ReeeTr [CSOH-] Českoslovenští ostří hoši. 2 939 58.12% 26 162
jakifree007 [TREAD] Just TREAD !!! 2 907 59.03% 55 746
Benthen_ [TREAD] Just TREAD !!! 2 819 57.2% 31 548
pietrofilipi2001 [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 2 686 59.63% 9 403
_GeNiY_ [G3_UA] Ghost's3_UA 2 681 57.96% 32 647
BeToN________ [PJOOR] PJOOR 2 672 57.13% 26 231
White_Death_1990 [NUTKA] PO NUTCE 2 592 56.12% 50 307
GetReadyDymol [PJOOR] PJOOR 2 528 56.02% 3 324
UkradneWamFraga [7O3] Double or nothing! 2 480 54.64% 33 383
Feniks983 [G3_UA] Ghost's3_UA 2 440 55.89% 6 876
reesku [7O3] Double or nothing! 2 395 55.19% 27 162
T3tri0n [NVH] Level 10 creditbooster 2 388 55.84% 24 484
Unnamed__User [78679] STORM!!! 2 371 57.54% 54 186
___ZeT__ [DENAT] DENATURAT 2 357 55.62% 37 259
Call_Me_Drago [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 2 349 55.96% 22 742
Sir_Desmond_Is_Strelec [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 2 329 55.23% 50 669
Philip_TheBandit [7O3] Double or nothing! 2 259 55.08% 16 228
_LUCKY [7O3] Double or nothing! 2 221 53.83% 15 449
halimax007 [TREAD] Just TREAD !!! 2 195 53.8% 24 959
epozz [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 2 183 54.48% 41 420
Kapriccioz______da_pizza [7O3] Double or nothing! 2 171 54.92% 27 293
_Light_Sider_ [G3_UA] Ghost's3_UA 2 159 54.66% 43 906
30loco03 [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 2 089 54.21% 85 418
vfx2002 [CHGS] CHILLGUYS 2 086 54.31% 29 385
_Picasso_exe [-DYX-] Power of the Ukrainian Spirit 2 082 56.31% 34 158
Subzero_Onix [7O3] Double or nothing! 2 074 53.58% 31 308
Tribullus [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 2 042 52.84% 78 835
TOMIK_HUL_MI_38_FLEK [7O3] Double or nothing! 2 027 55% 29 746
Black_DreamXD [7O3] Double or nothing! 1 926 52.75% 36 709
polokel [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 1 923 54.24% 63 830
eSuba_NK [7O3] Double or nothing! 1 887 52.44% 22 872
tomas_tancik_29 [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 1 832 51.91% 43 457
ALBUS_u3_I7AHD [7O3] Double or nothing! 1 793 53.55% 27 388
Aleksshabelnik [CHGS] CHILLGUYS 1 742 52.95% 26 870
Toxa_0_0 [CHGS] CHILLGUYS 1 717 52.39% 19 404
Soneira [IPUSH] Pure Unicums Shooting HEAT 1 692 53.4% 20 394
PATOLODZI [VIVES] Vivere Militare Est_ 1 672 51.04% 45 310
vetricek [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 1 670 51.01% 24 599
aurimaks_nera_skirtumo [LT-KN] LIETUVOS KARIAI NEPASIDUODA 1 626 51.95% 2 643
KindDesKellers [GBP] 1st German Black Panthers 1 589 52.17% 10 341
MoxyPL [NUTKA] PO NUTCE 1 583 50.52% 6 174
r3al_CIRKO [7O3] Double or nothing! 1 573 51.08% 30 567
terry159753 [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 1 565 51.42% 34 888
Tom_Tz [7O3] Double or nothing! 1 538 50.9% 21 246
dexantio [DENAT] DENATURAT 1 485 49.81% 18 313
PATROX779_PL [WOTAF] World Of Tanks And Friends 1 428 49.2% 7 210
DUKIY_voin [GRP] GRUPPIROVKA 1 407 50.64% 33 190
olympios_7 [_M__P] MUTANT PLANT 1 334 51.08% 3 338
ULTRA40000 [LTOK] LT KLANAS 1 313 50.76% 48 143
Danuc_eSuba [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 1 284 49.82% 32 668
T54Scorpion45T_1997 [GGWIN] just feel good , dont cry 1 137 48.67% 7 945
caa_20 [GRP] GRUPPIROVKA 1 134 49.23% 21 220
MrMATI_2015_2015 [1-DHS] 1 Dywizjon Huzarów Śmierci 1 132 46.67% 10 414
dandan_7 [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 1 123 46.94% 21 612
malib [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 1 012 45.96% 5 006
tvujSen [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 854 46.84% 27 589
ZayZen_3524 [LSST] Last Shot 647 46.07% 3 297
NickerCZ [OTG_] Only The Greatests! 641 45.56% 6 754
_Snaiperis_ [LTOK] LT KLANAS 405 46.03% 2 683
List contains data for clans in out database and users with battles count higher then 2000