Wir sind ein sehr erfolgreicher, kompetitiver Clan, mit hohen Ambitionen.
Falls es bei dir mal wieder komplett kracht & du nicht mehr weiter weißt.
Du bei salty Markingsessions, Fiebertraumartigen CW's, mit *89% Winrate auf 200+ Games*, Rivals, Tunieren, Scharmützeln & Bollwerken hellhörig wirst.
Check unsere _Anforderungen_ ab & meld dich bei unseren Rekrutern IG oder im Ts3!
*Ausnahmen sind möglich!*
*English-speaking recruitment possible & welcome!*
*Rekrutierung OFFEN* ( ≈15 Slots atm.)
*Aktuelle Anforderungen:*
- Tier X: ⌀ 3k+ DPG
- Overall: min. 2500 Wn8 (58% Winrate)
- Recent: min. 3300 Wn8 (min. Tier 8)
- Kritikfähigkeit, Humor, _Teamfähigkeit_ & einen Hauch von Salz in den Adern
*Wir bieten:*
- Tägliche Booster in jeglichen Events.
- Teilnahme an jeglichen kompetetiven Veranstaltungen.
- *AkTiViTäT* vom feinsten.
- _Erfahrungsaustausch_
- _Verständnis_ & _Menschlichkeit_
No past data for this clan.We will start to collect data from today.
API Access Consent
Our platforms (, present data from Wargaming's products.This data is accessed via publicly available API as part of the WG DPP program.
In order to be able to use all the functionalities of our platforms, you must agree to access the API.
Remember that our platforms only access publicly available information (e.g. number of battles, statistics). We do not collect private data (e.g. email address, number of credits).
You agree to:
fetching data from API on your behalf,
processing and storing of fetched data,
display of fetched data in the website (tables, rankings, charts, comparisons etc),
sharing fetched data to all other users of our platforms, data will be public,
If you do not agree, you can still use our platforms.The lack of API access consent prevents proper functioning of certain elements of our platforms(eg updating data, searching). These functionalities will not be available or will not work properly
Remember that you can always change your mind through the button in the footer of the site.
This feature requires authentication with your account. We only gain access to your nickname and account id.