
Guns of Fire


Total members 52
Average Efficiency
Average WN8
Provinces total 0
Total income
Visit clan page
Clans ranking
Average WN8 2878
Total income -
Provinces total -
Clan stronghold
Tier 8
Number of Zones 4
Buildings count 8
Average buildings level 6.5


No relationships

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X tier vehicles

54 27 22 8 7
Detailed list of vehicles

Recent transfers

09.03.2024 hartmann_139
12.02.2024 MaDFingeR
04.12.2023 ilker_Kula
04.10.2023 fatherking
04.10.2023 Darkness_tr
11.09.2023 Wraith_Killer
03.09.2023 D_Mario_Sanchez
01.07.2023 cemali_deniz
01.07.2023 LuckyBubble
05.04.2023 Darkness_tr

Important moments

Global Map

Battles 46 0 0 46
Win rate 32.61% - - 32.61%
Elo 1000 1000 895
No provinces
Battle schedule
No battles planned


# Player Efficiency WN8 Win Rate
623 519 48.94%
543 483 45.06%
1 247 1 911 59.2%
897 1 080 50%
395 598 41.18%
720 765 47.99%
526 327 43.04%
322 124 44.76%
681 776 48.19%
794 749 47.98%
742 857 49.75%
449 323 43.48%
626 727 47.07%
553 650 46.58%
448 170 42.22%
740 746 46.99%
707 463 49.28%
660 484 44.22%
759 1 153 50.67%
781 882 47.32%
842 888 47.09%
1 195 1 369 50%
853 542 46.91%
150 0%
1 220 1 849 54.99%
609 529 48.68%
687 729 47.73%
664 637 47.08%
607 295 48.46%
688 591 48.64%
1 138 1 129 38.33%
495 466 34.78%
466 318 45.86%
1 023 1 462 51.31%
977 1 325 50.21%
245 226 31.03%
611 632 47.49%
730 533 46.71%
575 658 45.6%
646 803 46.41%
1 113 697 32.95%
596 340 44.96%
362 604 40%
460 531 44.09%
920 323 33.33%
718 320 38.36%
601 484 46.49%
550 254 44.74%
587 463 45.45%
729 728 51.37%
490 266 41.23%
918 283 47.62%


Full charts

No past data for this clan.We will start to collect data from today.